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Caesar 4 for PC. Every town starts the same way; build for the plebs, get some farms down, send people off to get clay, wood, metals, build production units out of town and markets near homes. Once buildings are catered for, they grow, allowing you to pack in more people. Then build houses for the middleclasses, give them jobs and get in the rich people to stop you running out of money.
Your missions are completed by meeting targets in those five areas we talked about earlier. Apart from your usual struggle-free class system, youve got to prepare for military action. The Civilization series taught us that barbarians roamed the countryside picking on anything that looks like a city, and Caesar is no different.
Combat was lalways a feeble part of the Caesar games, and it remains so here; but at least its less of a I bother now. Simply despatch your chaps to the enemy, and one terribly animated skirmish later, someones won. Town-building games - being docile creatures - should be judged on their intuition, functionality and the sense of satisfaction they bring.
Caesar IV will feel natural to anyone who's played this sort of thing before. Click on a building, the relevant options click up. As for functionality, it can be difficult to figure out a building's radius of influence, as the overlay maps sometimes dont show this but the information's available in text form from your advisors panel.
As for satisfaction, the town-buildings fine, but the combat pnains unbloody and unconvincing - the imork's in the preparation, not the fighting. Caesar IV is a worthy successor to the Caesar family of titles.
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